Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blogging..who reads these things?

Blogging is a requirement for a writer...or so I'm lead to believe. BUT who reads them?
I have difficulty finding time to write these things, even tho' I think of dozens of things to say daily. You obviously have some time to kill and here I am...ranting or is it raving?
It's a rainy, warm summer day and I'm thinking of things I need to do, want to do, should do and could do. Writing another blog post is not necessarily at the top of the list, but it's what I'm doing.
Now there was a wasted three 'graphs!
The point of my writing is simple...write! Whether it's me or you, everyone should write something. It doesn't matter if it's coherent, logical or meaningful. If you have something to say, to relate, to record for yourself, your family, your neighbors or the world in general...write it down! I think I've been using that phrase for almost 10 years!
Please if you remember something you want someone else to know whether now or 10 years from now...write it down.
I wrote a column for the Hartland Historical Society newsletter for many years...and like a broken record, I simply asked people to "write it down." Write down your memories, your experiences, yes, your thoughts and opinions. It will mean something to someone sometime...even if it's only you.
You remember black and white tv, the Lone Ranger and Tonto or Roy Rogers. You remember walking to school in all kinds of weather or sitting in rows and raising your hand to speak. You remember when they didn't serve pizza as part of a basic food group. Chances are your children or grandchildren never experienced that and likely never will. Tell them what you experienced. It's an old story, but it's one they won't hear the same way they would hear if from you. They would rather know what you felt, what you saw, what you remember. It will be more "real" for them because you remembered, not just a television or Internet documentary.
You've seen some of those documentaries of "remember when." Do they remember it the same way you do? Of course not, you remember the "right way" or your way. No one will have that same memory, and no one will have that same experience unless you "write it down!"