Monday, January 27, 2014

Wow! It's been almost a year since I posted to this wonder I have no followers! I can't even follow myself. But my interests haven't changed. They just get muddled in with everything else I choose to do. I just read Sheryl Sandberg's book...didn't I? Last year? Really? Well there's that old saying...Time flies.... Time flies too quickly. I'm not getting what I want to do done! I want to finish and publish my family history. I want to tell my stories. I want to make more quilts, to organize my photography even finish a few books. Where does time go? I vow to buckle down to a schedule....every day. And I do, every day, I start with my schedule and I get off track. I even set aside writing time...when was that...last year? Maybe I don't want to know. But I tell myself that as long as I'm trying every day, I am getting somewhere. Something is getting done, just not all the things I imagined. Now there is little time today to devote to writing a blog or planning a blog, or writing project or sewing. But I vow to get something! Just not a new post to this blog...I'll be back!