Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Weeding and seeding your mind to move's Spring!

It's spring! at least according to the calendar. The Mounds of snow outside my door says something different. But a few days of sunshine and above freezing temps should take care of that. Everyone is lamenting the latest deluge of snow, but we all know that's just the way the conversation goes, and you go along with it. But really? Complaining yet again about the weather? That just perpetuates a negative mood ...and it's spring and your thoughts and actions should be moving on and not dwelling in the past. Of course, dealing with the past is part of my purpose, but in a moving forward kind of that counter-intuitive? Say what? Yes, dealing with the past can allow you to move forward. Whether it's teaching your grandchildren how you did things in the past or finally preserving memories and traditions so future generations know what once was. There are stories and people in your past that need to be remembered. You know who they are and their stories. So what was spring like for you growing up? What about Easter? or May Day? Here I go again. Riding you to remember what the "good Ole days" were really like. Or were they? Is there a ghost haunting you about past springs or spring holidays? Is there a sweet memory that just came to mind? Do you need to empty a clouded mind or free yourself of negative thoughts? Or simply share a great memory. Writing it down is a release for me...empties my head of cloudy thoughts or melancholy "what ifs". When I grasp an idea about what to do next, I need to start fresh, with a fresh approach to an old habit or chore. Maybe there IS a better way to do something. I think Nike said it a few times...Just Do It! Stop thinking about what you're going to do When you're'll never be ready if you only think about it! Write it down, record it or Start! Even if it's just spring cleaning...that tends to rejuvenate me to start fresh on old chores or intentions. There are a couple of chores that need doing and I've thought about it too long...Just Do It! What's on Your List? Calling a friend or distant cousin? Writing a letter to ...who? maybe to the future? Maybe the closet needs cleaning or weeding. Maybe you're ready to plant, or prepare to plant...and maybe you remember the way someone from the past used to do it. Memories need to be shared, minds need to be weeded, seeded and shared.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Time for a Re-do! It's been six years since I posted this particular blog, but it bears repeating. It's something I'm always harping on, but I need to remind myself to get back to it occasionally...Now is the time! Did you have a good winter? are you planning for spring? or summer? did you lose someone this year? and along with it the stories or memories they could have or should have shared? So what's stopping you? I know, I know, YOU can't write, but you can write what you know or how you would tell someone what you remember. You can always have someone edit your memories...if they need it! But if you don't start, then when or who will tell the stories? Now what I wrote SIX years ago: So you “forgot” to write it down. Does that mean it’s too late? Well there’s an easy answer to that and I don’t need to tell you what it is. I can repeat myself often, but it doesn’t do any good if no one is listening. Your mother didn’t write her stories. Your grandparents didn’t write their stories. So if you don’t write your stories where does that leave the stories? LOST! That’s my real message. If YOU don’t write your family stories or the stories of your town, your friends or your school…who will? Somebody should! You know that. Always “somebody” should do something and too many people always waiting for somebody else to do what they know should be done. We read all the time about someone one who did something and got something done. Is it time it was you? This message can apply to a lot of things whether it’s changing a law or an ordinance in your town or the rules at your child’s school….somebody should do something! Well my message for you is simpler….write it down! That’s my message to everyone who loves THE family stories. Write them down before they are gone. Write yourself a letter, a memo, a blogpost…whatever it takes to preserve “history”. Your history. I am a broken record. I know. I have a collection of short memories. Stories that I’ve started I haven’t finished. But if I’ve started them, I’m closer than you are to eventually getting them done! I keep reading about writing. Reading about marketing, how to….and always looking to make it better, easier, quicker... That’s part of my procrastination, always thinking there is a better way to get it down and done. There is no easy way. There is no quicker way. It takes a block of time, a commitment to remember and write. So talk to yourself already. Talk to your family. What do they want to know or need help remembering? Who’s gone and what did they do in their lifetime? Do your grandchildren know your grandparents? Do they know where they lived, how they lived, or what they gained, or lost, during their lifetime? That’s part of your history. True that’s only family history, but if your grandparents or great-grandparents were leaders in their community, their church or just their neighborhood aren’t there likely to be more people who want to know about them and their contributions? Yeah, I know practice what you preach….I am! I am writing now! Can you say the same thing?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Trying to get things done?

“I'm in a hurry to get things done Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun All I really gotta do is live and die But I'm in a hurry and don't know why. ” Lyrics that I love, but I hate to live by. Thank you Alabama for setting it to music, but I didn’t need a reminder. Why is it we rush and rush and never seem to accomplish as much as we intend to? I have my “lists”, both mental, written and the unsaid and yes, even the bucket list. I’m never sure which is which. I keep trying to stay on task, but which task? I mean to record everything, to share everything and accomplish everything I’ve committed to, but then…life gets in the way. I make promises to myself to get X done before Y and then Z seems to be there before I’m ready. Let’s see when was the last time I committed to this blog? Not when I expected to. Is that disorganization or procrastination? That is too much to do! I’ve decided the best approach is to review what I’ve accomplished and simply put it in perspective for what I want to accomplish. Less stress there and frustration. I have written books, traveled, taken some Great pictures! Made some Great quilts and tons of crafts, and can pretty much complete whatever I’ve set out to do. So there I have completed a few things. Guess that means I can get the rest of my lists done, too. Good talk!