Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thank You! There I heard it again... “somebody should do something”. There is a problem in the neighborhood, the town or the world in general AND somebody should fix it! How often have you heard it? Or said it? The point being IT needs to be fixed and an unknown someone should fix it. But who? Apparently not the person who said it. Fortunately, there are quite a few somebodies out there. You know them, firefighters, police, paramedics, nurses, doctors, teachers, councilors, selectmen/women, committee members, organizers, volunteers. We all know someone who stepped up whether it’s a job requiring an education or someone willing to stick his/her neck out to “fix” something or just to carry on traditional actions or events. However, IT doesn’t always have enough somebodies to do the job. I have stepped up as a volunteer, organizer, secretary, treasurer, even president or chairman of some projects or organizations. That doesn’t make me special or any different from you. It’s just “been there, done that”. The problem is when all the somebodies get tired, worn out, burnt out, or simply old! They’re not as willing or perhaps able to take on the next dilemma, issue or event. I write this not to pat myself on the back or ask for applause, but to thank ALL the somebodies who have stepped up. You know who you are. If you’ve given your time, talents, education or experience to fix something, take care of something, lead someone or complete a community task… Thank You! This year the “IT” is dealing with the pandemic and we All owe a big debt to anyone who kept on “doing,“ whether it was medical or many essential services …Thank You for what you do! But outside a pandemic, if you’re not on a list of do-ers or somebodies, is there something you can do? Can you take over the next project, help with a neighborhood, town or state dilemma? For some helpers, it could be cooking, sewing, babysitting, making or building, organizing an event or serving as a volunteer. I have always believed If everyone volunteered just once, we would never run out of volunteers...All the “ITs” would be resolved. One of my favorite singers put it in a song “ Do What You Can”. Jon Bon Jovi can’t perform during the pandemic. He said “If you can’t do what you do, you do what you can.” He was washing dishes at his charity restaurant! Beyond the pandemic, when things get back to “normal” or not, are you somebody?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Remember your covid year Here we are in a memorable year and I have yet to blog about it or simply record my memories. I am not a faithful blogger. I mean to be, but it just isn’t happening. I will vow to do better! (at least I can try) Three years ago, my blog centered on “harvesting” your memories. It is, afterall, harvest season. I suggested you recall and perhaps re-create fall traditions of years past. Maybe it is as simple as harvesting your garden or canning or freezing a good supply from a farmer’s market, and letting newer generations help for the experience. You might kindle a new interest. Or perhaps your family had a tradition of a special fall gathering or followed a sports season. Whoops! That’s not in the cards this year! The purpose of my post is to encourage you to recall memories and traditions, and record them for your family or generations to come. I am a strong believer in collecting memories, memorabilia, photos and film to pass on to new generations that may have an interest. I know you have children and grandchildren who aren’t so interested in family history. But will another generation have that interest? Where will all the memories be? I’m not a scrapbooker, at least not in the traditional sense. I don’t cut and paste well, at least not physically. I prefer to work digitally. And our “covid-year” has supplied time and “fuel” to feed my digital efforts. Truthfully the last six months is a bit of a blur…. afterall wasn’t every day just the same. Same surroundings, same people, same tasks. Perhaps slightly different with the daily covid briefings, the numbers are up, the numbers are down, more in New York, Florida, California, and thankfully low in Maine. The point is Something happened this year! And on top of it all, it’s an election year! As if anyone needed a reminder. The ads are endless and pointless, he said this, she said that. I’ve said it before…. please! Don’t let a campaign ad decide your vote. Get the facts for yourself! I am a broken record with my opinions, I know. Just Write It Down! Whatever “it” is! Save your photos to a program or website. Write the information that explains them or simply identify the photo on the back, if it’s a hard copy. There are programs, apps and websites that will store your photos, help you organize your photos and make multiple products from your memories. Some are costly and some are free. Find what works for you. I’m trying out a new forever site for my pix now with plans to turn them into photobooks…just watch for the storage period…is it forever? I’ll let you know how it works out and I can send you a link, if it does. Whatever you do for recollection or preservation…save it. We use to use diaries for that…some people journal or still do digitally. If you’re posting your life on social media…save it for the day you don’t or can’t remember.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Take time to vent

I could be a professional complainer. When I start to do something, I assume it will be great! At least the best that I can do, even perfect! The reality is, of course, things don’t always go that way, not for me and I assume most people. Time runs out. Materials don’t work out. Tools don’t cooperate. Or imagine, the computer doesn’t cooperate! And that’s when the optimist in the bunch says…”that’s life!” Yeah, I needed that…Not! This is venting: If the expected guest would just show up on time...or at all! The material you bought for a project needs…just another inch, maybe a yard? The stapler is not where you thought you left it or someone else moved it? Oops, that’s the blame time for that. The weather is starting to deteriorate or be better than you have time to take advantage The laundry isn’t done...washing, drying or is just waiting to be put away. It’s almost dinner time...everything is frozen or there are too many choices, and you have to do the choosing! There is a never ending number of topics, projects, chores, assignments and want-to-do-s. Is that really the cause...too much to do? And we want to do it all! Some people have a way of plodding through life doing what needs to be done, with patience to get it done. Never getting rattled if time, people or life interrupts. Where do you find patience? Sometimes you have to take time, sit back and vent. Rethink it. Start over. That’s why I’m writing today...rethinking, new focus, fresh approach…taking a breath. I can do this AND I can get it done! Today’s project may be sewing, cleaning, laundry or maybe it’s that long delayed project to get organized! One step at a time. One task at a time until they all add up to completion...dare I dream? The focus of my writing is often to tell can do it! You can write, tell Your stories or preserve your lifestory or pictures. And I need to get to it, too! But only if we tackle it with a fresh outlook...why are you doing it? Not to simply get ‘er done! But to have that feeling of accomplishment of completing a “want-to-do”. One day at a time, one task at a time...everything can (and will?) eventually get done. What do you WANT to do today? You have my permission to “just do it!”, cleaning, laundry or some other dreaded task eventually gets your time! Today the message is be kind to yourself, understand your limitations and set Your realistic goals that allow you to finish what needs to be done...on your time. Good talk! Venting finished!