Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why write? because I can!

I've been asked "why write a blog?' The standard answer should be "why not?" I've told people I don't write because I "have to write". I'm not that driven. But I write because I can. For some reason, I have been blessed with the ability to put words together and not be fearful that they don't sound just right. People worry too much about how they sound when they put words to paper or simply express themselves publicly. If you have something to say, don't you just say it? Isn't that what your writing should be? Yes that's a question for you...Your writing! That means you should write as much as anyone. Write what you want, when you want. If you fantasize being a great novelist, go for it. But if you just want to write a personal diary, do it. Don't just think about it. I know I'm hung up on recording history, sharing history and that means sharing life. We're doing it every day on Facebook now, why wouldn't you simply collect those posts to reflect on your day, your year or your life? I want my children and grandchildren to reflect on my life as to why I did or didn't do certain things. My values, my beliefs. No, I don't expect them to copy my lifestyle, but to borrow from what works for them. I've had some great experiences and some not so great, and I can't spend my every waking moment trying to relay those to the people I love and care for, but I can write down my thoughts and beliefs to share with anyone interested. That’s where my blog comes in. It’s an attempt to share my thoughts, my experiences and still try to motivate others to do the same thing, or even better, let me help them Write It Down! I recently noticed my friend and instructor Denis Ledoux is offering a sale on a Memoir starter package. You can find out more It’s a place to start, so you can write what you feel needs to be written to leave a legacy for your family, friends or who ever.

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